Canadian War Museum
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Canadian War Museum

Towards an Expanded Mandate for the Canadian War Museum? A new Canadian War Museum is being constructed in Ottawa at an initial cost of $136 million, covering a space larger than a city block. It is designed "to show how war has shaped Canada, and to present the personal, national and international dimensions of our military history. Its mission will be to Remember, Preserve and Educate". A growing number of Canadians are questioning whether this new Museum will remember, preserve and educate, not only about Canada's military history, but also the major role Canadians have played, and continue to play, in war prevention, disarmament, and the peaceful resolution of violent conflicts. Would you favour the expansion of the
mandate of the new Canadian War Museum in this way, or not?
( ) YES ( ) NO
Name & Address (incl. email): We welcome any comments you wish to make about this question:

Please write:

or to Suite 208, 145 Spruce St., Ottawa, ON. K1R 6P1

Close to 500 people have now responded favourably to this message. These
include veterans, academics, religious leaders and leaders in medicine and
public health, civic leaders and police, journalists, international
development workers (including CIDA) and former ambassadors, diplomats and government well as many peace activists.