Yet Bush has allied himself closely with the Likud party and the policies of
Ariel Sharon, which not only have killed
and injured tens of thousands of
Palestinians, but bulldozed thousands of houses, confiscated vast areas of
land and
threatened new expulsions of Palestinians from their remaining
enclaves. Meanwhile the Palestinians are imprisoned by an
endless curfew
that blocks any semblance of normal life where people can get to jobs,
schools and hospitals. Let us
insist anew that this situation of occupation
end, and that a long promised Palestinian state that allows Palestinians
self-government be crafted.
A fourth area of organizing must focus on critique of the intentions of the
occupation to reshape the Middle East as the realm of US and
Israeli hegemony, militarily, politically, and economically.
How are we
organizing Iraqi oil for permanent control? How are we reshaping its
politics so that a puppet regime is
installed in power, and not one that
expresses any real independence of Iraqis to shape their own society? What
does the Bush regime's favorite Arab, Ahmed Chalabi, an international
criminal wanted in Jordan for bank embezzlement and
fraud, end up playing in
a new regime? How is the US going to use its present occupation of Iraq to
"pry open" "free
trade" in the Middle East according to our rubrics of a US
dominated "market economy"?
Fifthly, we must continually
keep an eye on the costs of American militarism
and national security policies to American democracy and social welfare.
are the vast expenditures on foreign invasions and occupations draining
American resources for its own development
of education, health and welfare?
How are methods of spying on any possible "terrorists" affecting a denial of
citizen and human rights in the US? We need to keep constantly before
the eyes of Americans just what they are paying for
this administration's
schemes of global empire in loss of welfare and human rights. Also we need
to make clear that
most of these measures of both foreign and domestic
aggression increase rather than lessen the hostility against the United
and hence the liklihood of new incidents of terrorism. We are
crafting a much more dangerous and more impoverished world
for all of us,
both in the US and in other countries.
Pacific School of Religion, 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley,
CA 94709-1323.
Phone 800/999-0528. PSR is a member of the Graduate Theological Union.
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© 2003 Pacific School of Religion. All rights reserved.
Al & Marjorie Stewart